Only Licensed Tourist Guides are listed here!
Professional ! Knowledgeable !
General ! Historical Heritage ! Nature knowledgeable ! Birding ! Fauna ! Flora ! Diving! Cuisine !
Virtual/Online Guided Tours Now Available!
We bring to you the best of all tourist guides in Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia.
Our Tourist Guides are all licensed by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Malaysia and are all very experienced and knowledgeable in their respective categories of guiding, be it Heritage, Culture, Nature, Wildlife or Historical.
They are also highly fluent in their respective languages.
We are experts on live, virtual, online guided tours.
Whether for fun, adventure, and exploration, we provide meaningful opportunities to connect with Sabah, Borneo at large, with the ones who matter most.
Your tour is personalized and you will walk the streets of Sabah, exploring the forests, frolicking at the beach, diving in some of the top diving destinations in the world. Our tour guides call you by name, know your interests, and share their local expertise in culture, cuisine, art, and architecture. You revisit your favorite destinations or explore new ones. Under the care of our highly qualified guides, who are trained in virtual/online guided tour travel, you create lasting memories, as if you are there in person.
if you are planning in-person travel, our tour guides will share their expertise and provide travel guidance. Our guides will help you plan the best experience, showing you where to go.
We keep the process simple but thoughtful. You choose a tour location, date, and time and share any specifics details about your tour preferences. On the date and time of your confirmed tour, you, and any other guests, join via HD video streaming through any device. You sit back and enjoy your journey, engaging, or just taking it all in. We do the rest.
Or, choose the interactive live tour to make it even more realistic for you.
We unite generations of families, geographically distant friends, co-workers, students with experts, and senior communities. We share laughter, discovery, birthdays, engagements, anniversaries and team accomplishments. We celebrate togetherness, interaction, and connection. We know it's a small world after all, but big on possibilities – and they are all yours.